Support for building professionals
A good foundation is the start of all great things. I am always open to new partnerships where my work shines more through your work and vice-versa. Beautiful projects can be realised when working together with a good architect, contractor, builder or realtor. A team with the same end goal results in a better project for the end client and possibly a project ready for publication.
With the correct foundation any project can only improve

I help architects, builders, contractors and realtors with their projects on the following aspects:
- Taking care of the full interior by providing a turnkey service to the end client
- Providing advice and delivering furniture, window treatments and accessories for all my brands that I represent
- Coming in to help out with certain aspects of a project such as for the interior styling
- Providing consultations to the end client on behalf of an architect, builder, contractor or a realtor
A residential project no matter how small, will have a team of people working on it. When you can work together like a well-oiled machine extraordinary results can be achieved
Examples of Partnerships
- Working together with architects where I have taken care of the interior to their beautifully designed exteriors
- Working together with landscape architects where I help with the furniture and they have done all other exterior elements
- Working with realtors for consultations to help buyers see the potential of a future home
- Working with builders on designing unique interiors for their design build projects
- Working with high-end contractors for consultations on helping the end client out in the selection of materials
Picture perfect projects
You can also rely on my experience as an interior architect to design built-in or freestanding furniture. I can also take care of the styling process of your projects by designing and delivering the necessary pillows, carpets, window treatments and decorative items such as vases and flower arrangements. This ensures that your projects are picture perfect, both off and on camera.

Interested in a partnership for life with value for both parties? Where we realise projects ready for publication?
Work with Shanaz Razik
Full Service
Ever wonder what it would be like to achieve your dream home without being overwhelmed and stressed out? Everything taken care of just for you?
Looking to make some changes to your home but not in the mood to make irreversible mistakes and costly mis purchases? Wished you could just talk to someone about your ideas and get some input?
A partnership that brings value to both parties, where both our works are better through the other, where a strong end result is provided to the final client. A dream home ready to be published